Dr. Tony Amorose
Sch Kinesiology & Recreation
SFCM Student Fitness Center & Mccormick Hall 227l
Office Phone
- About
- Education
- Research
Current Courses
254.001Social-Psychological Perspectives In Physical Activity
208.001Dynamics Of United States Contemporary Health Issues
208.002Dynamics Of United States Contemporary Health Issues
303.002Exercise Psychology
303.003Exercise Psychology
499.011Independent Research For The Master's Thesis
400.011Independent Study In Kinesiology & Recreation
400.111Independent Study In Kinesiology & Recreation
498.011Professional Practice In Exercise Science
407.001Psychology Of Physical Activity
407.002Psychology Of Physical Activity
407.003Psychology Of Physical Activity
408.001Psychosocial Athlete Development
254.001Social-Psychological Perspectives In Physical Activity
Ph D Sport and Exercise Psychology
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, Virginia
MS Sport Performance and Behavior
Miami University
Oxford, Ohio
BS Sports Organization
Miami University
Oxford, Ohio
Lagally, K., & Amorose , A. A comparison of PA barriers and motives in students referred and not referred to an Exercise is Medicine on Campus (EIMOC) program. MSSE 55.9S (2023): 272.
DiSerio, A., Lagally, K., Amorose, A., & Miles, A. Barriers to Physical Activity in University Students Referred to an EIMOC Program. Medicine and Science in Sport and Exercise 53.8S (2021): 453.
Lagally, K., Sherman , J., Amorose , A., Miles , A., & Winters, C. Exercise is Medicine on Campus Program Comparisons. Medicine & Science is Sport & Exercise 51.6 (2019): 127-128.
Hevel, D., Amorose, A., Lagally, K., Miles, A., & Pierce, S. Testing the Effects of Message Framing on PA Motivation: Does Stage of Change Matter?. Medicine and Science in Sport and Exercise 50.5S (2018): 315.
Lagally, K., Amorose, A., & Boczek, M. The relationship between supportive parental practices related to physical activity and preschool-aged children’s physical activity levels and BMI. Medicine & Science in Sport & Exercise (2015)
Book, Chapter
Amorose, A., & Pierce, S. Competence Motivation Theory. D. Hackfort, R.J. Schinke, & B. Strauss (EDs), Dictionary of Sport Psychology. Elsevier (2018)
Weiss, M., Amorose, A., & Kipp, L. Youth motivation and participation in sport and physical activity.. R. Ryan (EDs), The Oxford Handbook of Motivation. Oxford University Press (2012)
Journal Article
Anderson-Butcher, D., Bates, S., Sterling, K., Voegler, M., Dau, W., & Amorose, A. Canyons Community Schools: Universities and Colleges as Key Partners. Children & Schools 45.1 (2023): 17-26.
Anderson-Butcher, D., Wade-Mdivanian, R., Amorose, A., Davis, J., & Scheadler, T. LiFEsports in the Pandemic: COVID-19 Didn’t Stop Us!. Journal of Sport Behavior 46.3 (2023): 1-17.
Anderson-Butcher, D., Amorose, A., Sobecki, C., Scheadler, T., Atkinson, O., & Gutzwiller, E. What Keeps Kids Coming Back? Retention and Physical Literacy in a Sport-Based Positive Youth Development Program. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living (2022)
Barcza-Renner, K., Anderson-Butcher, D., Amorose, A., & Wade-Mdivanian, R. Examining the Impact of Counselor and Peer Support on Social Skill Development in a Sport-Based Positive Youth Development Program. Journal of Sport Behavior 45.1 (2022)
Pierce, S., Scheadler, T., Anderson-Butcher, D., Amorose, A., & Wade-Mdivanian, R. Social Skill Transfer from a Sport-Based Positive Youth Development Program to the School Setting: Transferring Self Control to School. Sport Social Work Journal 1 (2022): 78-95.
Life After Sports: A Career Transition Program for Graduating Collegiate Student-Athletes. Midwest Sport and Exercise Psychology Symposium. Hope College. (2024)
A comparison of PA barriers and motives in students referred and not referred to an Exercise is Medicine on Campus (EIMOC) program. ACSM Annual Conference. ACSM. (2023)
Collegiate Student-Athletes’ Commitment to School and Sport: The Role of Academic and Athletic Identification. North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity. (2023)
Creating an athlete questionnaire to assess coaching life skills. North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity. (2023)
Sport as Social Support? Associations Among Participation in Sport and Adolescent Mental Health Concerns during COVID-19. Society for Social Work and Research. (2023)
Sport-Based Positive Youth Development: Research, Practice, and Future Directions. North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity. (2023)
The Role of Coach Communication, Athlete Gender, and Grade on Burnout in High School Athletes. North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity. (2023)
(Re)imagining youth sport: Stakeholders views of the impact of COVID-19 on the future of youth sport. North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity Annual Conference. (2022)
Community Youth Development Adaptations During COVID-19. Society for Social Work and Research. (2022)
Examining the impact of resilience-based programming for first-year collegiate student-athletes. North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity Annual Conference. (2022)
Grants & Contracts
High School Student-Athlete Life Skill Development and Transfer. Illinois Association for Health, Physical Education, Recration and Dance. State. (2019)
Designing and Validating the Coaching Life Skills in Sport Questionnaire. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) - Partnership Engage Grants.. Other. (2018)
Parent and coach influences on youth athletes’ motivation.. Illinois Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance/Research Consortium Research Grant Program. Other.
Testing the effectiveness of affective-based text message prompts on physical activity motivation. Illinois State University.
The influence of autonomy-supportive and controlling coaching behaviors on changes in athletes’ motivation.. Illinois State University.