Dr. Beverly Barham
Professor-Medical Laboratory Science
Health Sciences

FHS Felmley Hall of Science 328
Office Phone
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- Awards & Honors
- Research
Medical Laboratory Scientist since 1974, with doctorate in molecular biology, biochemistry and microbiology from SIU in 2001.
Current Courses
315.001Clinical Parasitology And Mycology
105.001Medical Terminology
315.001Clinical Parasitology And Mycology
299.001Independent Honor Study
260.001Introduction To Clinical Immunohematology
260.002Introduction To Clinical Immunohematology
260.003Introduction To Clinical Immunohematology
488.001Research Methods in Public Health
488.091Research Methods in Public Health
Teaching Interests & Areas
Clinical microbiology,parasitology & mycology, immunology, immunohematology, research design and education & management, clinical chemistry.
Research Interests & Areas
Scholarship of teaching and learning and applied microbiology.
CAST Travel Grant
College of Applied Sciences and Technology
CAST Travel Award
College of Applied Science and Technology
Cross Chair Travel Grant
CAST Travel Award
College of Applied Science and Technology
Center for the Advancement of Teaching Supplemental Travel Grant
CAST Travel Award
College of Applied Science and Technology
Center for the Advancement of Teaching Supplemental Travel Grant
CAST Publication incentive award (PIP)
College of Applied Science and Technology
Center for the Advancement of Teaching Supplemental Travel Grant
CAST Travel Award
College of Applied Science and Technology
Veracini, J., Walker, P., Atkinson, R., Carmack, J., Barham, B., & Forster, L. A comparison of fecal nitrogen, phosphorous and E. coli concentrations from steers fed 0, 25, 40 or 70% modified wet distillers grains. Journal of Animal Science 89.2 (2011): 322.
Veracini, J., Walker, P., Atkinson, R., Carmack, J., Barham, B., & Forster, L. A comparison of fecal nitrogen, phosphorous and E. coli concentrations from steers fed 0, 25, 40 or 70% modified wet distillers grains. Journal of Animal Science Midwestern Section Proceedings (2011)
Conference Proceeding
Veracini, J., Barham, B., & Walker, P. A comparison of fecal nitrogen, phosphorus and E coli concentrations from steers fed 0, 25, 40 or 70% modified wet distillers grains. Illinois State University Graduate Research Symposium (2011)
Journal Article
Byrns, G., Barham, B., Yang, L., Webster, K., Rutherford, G., Steiner, G., Petras, D., & Scannell, M. The uses and limitations of a hand-held germicidal ultraviolet wand for surface disinfection. JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL HYGIENE 14.10 (2017): 749-757.
Woeste, L., & Barham, B. Wake Up! Your PDQ is Due!. Clinical Laboratory Science 2.1 (2008): 12-14.
Woeste, L., & Barham, B. Disaster Awareness and Clinical Laboratory Students: A Place to Start. Laboratory Medicine 38.7 (2007): 399-400.
Woeste, L., & Barham, B. Undergraduate Student Researchers, Preferred Learning Styles, and Basic Science Research: A Winning Combination. The Clearing House 81.2 (2007)
Barham, B., & Woeste, L. Transition to Distance Education: Lessons Learned. Laboratory Medicine 37.1 (2006): 14-15.
Magazine/Trade Publication
Woeste, L., & Barham, B. Days Gone By. Advance News Magazine for Medical Laboratory Professionals 19.7 (2007): 13.
Written Case with Instructional Material
Johnson, D., Barham, B., & VanDraska, M. Case Study: Another Bad Bug. Journal of Continuing Education Topics & Issues 21.3 (2019): 64-70.
Webster, K., VanDraska, M., & Barham, B. Now There Are Five. Clinical Investigations - American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science (2018): 20.
VanDraska, M., Barham, B., & Webster, K. Hard To Swallow. Clinical Lab Investigations (2017): 15.
Webster, K., Van Draska, M., & Barham, B. Reality Bites and So Do Dogs. Clinical Investigations/American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science (2015)
Webster, K., VanDraska, M., Barham, B. (2015). Reality bites – and so do dogs. American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science, Clinical Investigations: Case Studies for Laboratory Professionals.
Time for a Tune-Up?. Clinical Laboratory Educators' Conference. American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science. (2024)
Characteristics of Professionalism in Healthcare. AMT Annual Meeting. American Medical Technologists. (2019)
Practical Solutions for Clinical Professional Practice. AMT Annual Meeting. American Medical Technologists. (2019)
Student Perceptions of Barriers to Certification with Student Exam Simulator Data. ASCLS CLEC Webinar Series. American Society of Clinical Laboratory Science. (2017)
IL. Center for Teaching, Learning, & Technology Annual Teacing Symposium. Center for Teaching, Learning, & Technology. (2012)
Disaster Response for Vulnerable Populations: College-Based Training and Response Program. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. American Public Health Association. (2011)
My Return on Investment: Instructor Perspective. CTLT: State Your Passion for Teaching and Learning. Center for Teaching, Learning, and Technology. (2011)
Multi tasking 101: Helping university based students better prepare for professional practice. Clinical Laboratory Educators Conference. (2010)
Effects of feeding varying percentages of wet distillers' grains on the prevalence of E.coli and Salmonella species in cattle manure. American Society for Microbiology Annual Meeting. (2009)
The PPB Approach to Building a Team Dynamic. Clinical Laboratory Educators Conference. (2009)
Grants & Contracts
A Bioterrrorism Response Infusion Model: Implementation into Healthcare Program Curricula in Illinois Community Colleges. Department of Health and Human Services. State.
Bacterial Adherence and the Effects of Sonication. University Research Grant Proposal. Illinois State University.
Bioterrorism: Pilot Program. Department of Public Health. State.
Meet the KeyPURs. CTLT Teaching Innovation Grant. Illinois State University.
Signature Pedagogies in Clinical Laboratory Science Education: The Professional Practice Experience. Center for the Advancement of Teaching. Other.