Connie Dyar
- About
- Education
- Awards & Honors
- Research
Connie Dyar is an Assistant Professor of Interior Design and Program Coordinator at Illinois State University. Upon being appointed Program Coordinator, she reviewed and revised the Interior and Environmental Design program for its first CIDA process and site visit in 2001. She holds a Master's Degree in Housing and Environmental Design, and has worked in residential and commercial design for more than 15 years. Over the years Ms. Dyar has been affiliated with many professional organizations, including the American Society of Interior Designers, National Fire Protection Association, International Interior Design Association, Interior Design Educators Council, and the Illinois Interior Design Coalition. Professional appointments include Chair of the ASID Central Illinois Association, Board Member of the Illinois Chapter ASID Nominating Committee, and Vice President of the Illinois Interior Design Coalition. Through the IIDC, she has devoted many hours to legislative activities that protect the professional practice of interior design. She currently is serving as Administrator for the IDEC Academy for which she was awarded the Outstanding IDEC Service designation. Her work related to building codes and standards has been presented at National Fire Protection Association international meetings and published in Fire Technology and the Journal of Architectural and Planning Research. Her professional work has included office design for McKnight Publishing, Eastland Medical Plaza, tenant space development and restaurant designs of the Winkler Building for Peoria River Front Development Project and retail design concepts for Promenade Mall with Cullen Properties. Most recently she served as the IDEC Academy Chair for which she planned, directed and implemented the first Teaching Symposium for the Interior Design Educators Council.
Current Courses
499.004Independent Research For The Master's Thesis
398.001Professional Practice: Interior Design
299.004Independent Honor Study
499.004Independent Research For The Master's Thesis
287.004Independent Study
400.004Independent Study
376.001Interior Design IV: Studio
376.002Interior Design IV: Studio
476.001Interior Design IV: Studio
476.002Interior Design IV: Studio
300.001Professional Leadership in Interior Design
498.004Professional Practice: Family And Consumer Sciences
398.001Professional Practice: Interior Design
291.004Undergraduate Teaching Experiences In Family And Consumer Sciences