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Dr. Christopher Brewer

Assistant Professor
Criminal Justice Sciences
SCH Schroeder Hall 434
  • About
  • Education
  • Research


Dr. Brewer is an Assistant Professor in Criminal Justice Sciences teaching Cybercrime and Research Methods. He received his bachelor's and master's degrees from The University of Southern Mississippi in Forensic Science and Criminal Justice, respectively. He recently completed his PhD from Kansas State University studying Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) cybercrime personnel and their perceptions of perpetrators and victims of online child exploitation.

Current Courses



400.018Independent Study

101.004Introduction To Criminal Justice Sciences

291.016Undergraduate Teaching Experience In Criminal Justice Sciences



300.002Research Methods

Teaching Interests & Areas

Cybercrime, Technology & Society, Research Methods

Research Interests & Areas

Cybercrime & policing, digilantism, online deviance, and online extremism

PhD Criminology

Kansas State University
Manhattan, KS

MA Criminal Justice

The University of Southern Mississippi
Hattiesburg, MS

BS Forensic Science

The University of Southern Mississippi
Hattiesburg, MS

Book, Chapter

Brewer, C. G., & Steinmetz, K. F. (2021, July). Mr. Robot and radical criminology. In J. A. Grubb& C. Posick (eds.), Crime TV: Streaming criminology in popular culture. New York: NYU Press.

Journal Article

Steinmetz, K. F., Holt, T. J., & Brewer, C. G. (Online First, 2023). Developing and implementing social engineering-prevention policies: A qualitative study. Security Journal.
Steinmetz, K., Schaefer, B. P., Brewer, C. G., & Kurtz, D. L. (Online First, 2023). The role of computer technologies in structuring evidence gathering in cybercrime investigations: A qualitative analysis. Criminal Justice Review.
Brewer, C. G. (2022). r/ProtectandServe: An exploration of the virtual canteen culture regarding police misconduct. Policing and Society, 32(10), 1193-1208.
McCarthy, A., & Brewer, C. G. (2022). Hegemony of the Right: A Prager University case study. Journal of Criminal Justice and Popular Culture, 22(2), 20-39.

Grants & Contracts

University Research Grant. Illinois State University. Illinois State University. (2023)