Current Courses
499.005Independent Research For The Master's Thesis
400.005Independent Study
498.005Professional Practice: Family And Consumer Sciences
398.001Professional Practice: Human Development and Family Science
408.001Human Development In Social Context
499.005Independent Research For The Master's Thesis
287.005Independent Study
400.005Independent Study
252.001Multicultural Family Studies
300.001Professional Leadership in Human Development and Family Science
498.005Professional Practice: Family And Consumer Sciences
398.005Professional Practice: Human Development and Family Science
291.005Undergraduate Teaching Experiences In Family And Consumer Sciences
Teaching Interests & Areas
Chang Su-Russell has taught FCS 251 Guidance and Development of Infants and Toddlers, FCS 231 Parenting, FCS 200 Research Methods, and FCS 252 Multicultural Family Studies
Research Interests & Areas
Dr. Chang Su-Russell's research focuses on the influence of quality caregiving on young children’s socioemotional wellbeing, and the impact of contextual factors (race, culture, socioeconomic status, etc.) on caregiving.
Book, Chapter
Sprecher, S., Russell, L., Su-Russell, C., & Schmeeckle, M. Social Networks and Extended Families. The Routledge Handbook of Family Communication. Routledge (2022): 277-293.
Book, Edited
Su-Russell, C., Russell, L. T., & James Jr. A. (2023). Handbook of Asian American families. Cognella.
Ispa, J. M. & Su-Russell, C. (2018). Victimization. In M. C. Bornstein (Ed.). Encyclopedia of Lifespan Human Development. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.
Journal Article
Arellanes, Jordan, Michael Hendricks, and Chang Su-Russell. 2024. “Cultivating A Collectivist Community on A College Campus for Latinx Students.” Journal of Latinos and Education 23(2): 1679-1693.
Hendricks, Michael, Jordan Arellanes, Chang Su-Russell, Nur Moon, and Shania Vasquez. 2024. “Exploring the Pandemic’s Impacts on Latinx Students’ Learning.” Journal of Underrepresented & Minority Progress (8)S1-2: 50-77.
Su-Russell, Chang, Michael Hendricks, and Jordan Arellanes. 2024. “Latinx College Students in a PWI: Perceptions of Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Access (IDEA), Basic Psychological Needs Satisfaction, and Access to Mentorship.” Journal of Underrepresented & Minority Progress 8(S1-2): 26-49.
Su-Russell, C., Killoren, S., & Palermo, F. (2024). Parenting, self-regulation, and sibling relationship dynamics in early childhood. Family Relations, 73(5), 3530-3548.
Gregory, R., Su-Russell, C., Russell, L. T., & Barrett, C. (accepted). Navigating discussions of death with young children: Parental avoidance and engagement as strategies of protection. In C. L. Scott, H. M. Williams, & S. Wilder (Eds.) Facing death: Familial responses to illness and death (Contemporary Perspectives in Family Research, Volume 18).
Belonging/Inclusion in Campus Spaces: Considering Caregiving and Intersectional Identities. Annual Conference of the National Council on Family Relations. National Council on Family Relations. (2024)
Developing and Launching a Center for Inclusive Intergenerational Environments: Lessons Learned and Future Directions. Mid-Atlantic Intergenerational Conference. Pennsylvania State University. (2024)
Most/Least Favorite Spaces on a University Campus: Examining Leverage Points and (Dis)similarity across Generations. Mid-Atlantic Intergenerational Conference. Pennsylvania State University. (2024)
Andrea, E. K., Russell, L. T., & Su-Russell, C. (2024, Apr.) State of families: A brief overview of Illinois families. Poster presented at the Illinois Council on Family Relations 2024 Conference. DeKalb, IL.
Fashina-Bombata, H.*, & Su-Russell, C. (2024, Nov.). Young adults growing up in military families: Transitions, family dynamics, and mental health. Poster presentation accepted at the 86th Annual Conference of the National Council on Family Relations, Bellevue, WA.
Su-Russell, C. (2024, Jul.). The role of child characteristics and family relationships: Chinese urban family planning and family dynamics. Poster accepted for presentation at the International Association for Relationship Research, Boston, MA
Su-Russell, C., Andrea, E., Russell, L. T. (2024, Jul.). I love my family, but I can’t talk about race with them: White young adults’ strengths and struggles in learning about race. Poster accepted for presentation at the International Association for Relationship Research, Boston, MA
Su-Russell, C., Lannin, D., Finan, L., & Tudela, M. (2024, Nov.). History and contemporary studies of child development. Poster presented at the 86th Annual Conference of the National Council on Family Relations, Bellevue, WA.
An IDEA on How to Improve Students' University Perceptions. Midwestern Psychological Association. Midwestern Psychological Association. (2023)
Cultivating Student Belonging and Success through a Collectivist Campus Community. University-Wide Teaching & Learning Symposium. Illinois State University. (2023)
Grants & Contracts
Day of Celebration of Inclusive Intergenerational Environments. CAST Grant for Innovation in Diversity. Illinois State university. Illinois State University. (2024)
Day of Celebration of Inclusive Intergenerational Environments. CAST Grant for Innovation in Diversity. CAST DEBI Grant. Illinois State University. (2024)
Turn Your Passion Into Career. Illinois State University. Illinois State University. (2024)
BirdFEEDER grant on Military Families. Illinois State University. Illinois State University. (2023)
BirdFEEDER grant on first-gen students. Illinois State University. Illinois State University. (2023)