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Dr. Dawn Beichner-Thomas

Criminal Justice Sciences
SCH Schroeder Hall 439
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  • About
  • Education
  • Awards & Honors
  • Research


Dawn Beichner-Thomas is a professor in the Criminal Justice Sciences Department and Women’s and Gender Studies Program at Illinois State University. She co-directs a post-graduate course on Victimology, Victim Assistance, and Criminal Justice each year at the Inter University Centre of Dubrovnik, Croatia that brings together students and faculty from more than twenty-five countries. Dr. Beichner-Thomas is a member of the executive committee of the World Society of Victimology, an international non-governmental organization with Special Category consultative status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the United Nations and the Council of Europe and represents the organization at the United Nations. She is the chair of the American Society of Criminology's (ASC) Division of International Criminology. Her research examines gender-based victimization (including sexual assault and intimate partner violence), the overlap of victimization and offending, the adverse effects of incarceration on people and families, women returning home from jail and prison, and restorative justice. Dr. Beichner-Thomas serves as a research consultant for the Center for Justice Innovation, the YWCA Labyrinth Outreach Services to Women, and the Peoria Problem-Solving Courts.

Through her role as a liaison to the United Nations for the World Society of Victimology, Dr. Beichner-Thomas was invited to deliver an oral statement on Reducing Reoffending Through Rehabilitation to the United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime and has participated as an NGO observer on several occasions. In 2023, she was invited to join the UN Women delegation as a global scholar for the Sixth Safe Cities and Safe Public Spaces Global Leaders’ Forum in Quito, Ecuador. Along with colleagues Dr. Rosemary Barberet (International Sociological Association, Criminologists Without Borders) and Dr. Sheetal Ranjan (ASC Division of Feminist Criminology), she has co-organized parallel events held in conjunction with the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) for the past six sessions. Each collaborative panel—centered on Feminist Approaches to Justice—includes scholars, policy makers, and advocates representing multiple world regions. Because their collaborative team’s main goal is to link research to international policy related to feminist approaches to justice, in conjunction with each CSW, they publish a guest-edited special issue of an academic journal. To date, they have published four special issues: International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy (Volume 9, Issue 1, 2020), Violence Against Women (Volume 28, Issue 8, 2022, the International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice, Volume 47, Issue 2, 2023), Feminist Criminology (Volume 19, Issue 4), and have a 2025 issue forthcoming in the International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice.

Current Courses

339.001Women In Criminal Justice

339.002Women In Criminal Justice

499.001Independent Research For The Master's Thesis

400.002Independent Study



369.001World Criminal Justice Systems

Teaching Interests & Areas

Gender and crime, victimology, international justice, global social problems.

Research Interests & Areas

The effects of incarceration on the family, victimization, gender and justice.

Ph D Criminal Justice Sciences

University of Nebraska at Omaha

MA Criminology

Indiana University of Pennsylvania

BA Criminology

Indiana University of Pennsylvania

CoraMae Richey Mann Inconvenient Woman of the Year Award

American Society of Criminology, Division on Women and Crime

Impact Award

Illinois State University

Internationalization Award

Office of International Studies and Programs, Illinois State University

Women of Distinction

YWCA McLean County

Outstanding Teaching Award

College of Applied Science and Technology

Faculty Travel Award

Office of International Studies and Programs

Professional Development Travel Award

College of Applied Science and Technology

Civic Engagement Project of Excellence Award

Illinois State University

Book, Chapter

Beichner, D. (2021). Campus sexual assault in the USA: A call for a restorative, survivor-centered, intersectional approach. In E. Mikulec & Beichner, D. (Eds.), Distraction: Girls, School, and Sexuality. (pp. 165-190). New York, NY: DIO Press.
Beichner, D., Craig, M.O. & Bell, C. (2021). Racialized mass incarceration in the U.S.A. as a form of macro victimization. In Varona, G. (Ed.) Macrovictimización, abuso de poder y victimología: Impactos intergeneracionales (pp. 327-363). Cizur Mayor, Spain: Aranzadi.
Cannon, K., Dirks-Linhorst, P., Cobb, P., Maatia, Florence, Beichner, D. & Ogle, R. (2013). LGBT issues and criminal justice education. In Dana Peterson and Vanessa Panfil (Eds), Handbook of LGBT Communities, Crime, and Justice. Pp. 261-282. Springer: New York.
Beichner, D. & Hagemann, O. (2016). Incarcerated Women - Their Situation, Their Needs, and Measures for Sustainable Reintegration. In Kury, Redo, and Shea’s (Eds.), Women and Children as Victims and Offenders: Background-Prevention-Reintegration: Suggestions for Succeeding Generations.
New York, NY: Springer. Pp. 85-116.
Hagemann, O. & Beichner, D. (2018). Restorative justice als philosophie in frauenhäusern (Restorative justice as a philosophy in women’s shelters). In Gaby Lenz & Anne Weiss’s (Eds.),
Professionalitat in der frauenhasarbeit. Aktuelle entwicklungen und diskurse. Heildelburg, Germany: Springer. Pp. 157-185.

Book, Edited

Mikulec, E. & Beichner, D. (Eds.). (2021). Distraction: Girls, School, and Sexuality. New York, NY: DIO Press.


Shammi, S. & Beichner-Thomas, D. (2024). “Rape/Sexual Assault as Crime” in George Ritzer (Ed.). The Encyclopedia of Sociology (3rd Edition). Wiley-Blackwell Publishing.

Journal Article

Ranjan, S., Beichner-Thomas, D., & Barberet, R. (2024). Editorial Introduction. Feminist approaches to justice: contributions to CSW67. Editors’ introduction. Feminist Criminology, 19(4), 302-311.
Barberet, R., Ranjan, S., & Beichner-Thomas, D. (2023). Feminist approaches to justice: contributions to CSW66. Editors’ introduction. International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice, 47(2), 107-114.
Craig, M. O., Kim, M., & Beichner-Thomas, D. (2023). Incarcerated in a Pandemic: How COVID-19 Exacerbated the “Pains of Imprisonment.” Criminal Justice Review, 0(0).
Beichner, D. & Hagemann, O. (2022). A global view of women, prison, and aftercare: A call for reform. Violence Against Women, 28(8), 1788 – 1808.
Beichner, D. & Hagemann, O. (2022). Frauengefängnisse abschaffen: Aktuelle international Gesichtspunkte (Abolishing Women’s Prisons: International Perspectives). Forum Strafvollzug:
Zeitschrift für Strafvollzug und Straffälligenhilfe, 22(1), 42-49.


Beichner-Thomas, D. & James, C.(2024). Cultivating Global Knowledge and Networks in Victimology,Victim Assistance, and Criminal Justice. World Society of Victimology International Symposium, September 2024, Gujarat, India.
Beichner-Thomas, D. (2023). Globally Dexterous Leadership. Association of Chinese Criminology and Criminal Justice Leadership Forum. November 2023, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Beichner-Thomas, D. (2023). Young ​Feminist Involvement in Gendered Approaches to Safety. UN Women, Sixth Safe Cities and Safe Public Spaces Global Leaders' Forum, November 2023, Quito, Ecuador.
Beichner-Thomas, D. (2023). “Rural Women Returning Home From U.S. Prisons and Jails.” Parallel event presented in conjunction with the 67rd Session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women, March 2020. U.N. Church Center, New York, New York.
Craig, M.O., Kim, M., Beichner-Thomas, D. (2023). “Incarcerated in a Pandemic: How COVID-19 Exacerbated the ‘Pains of Imprisonment.’” European Society of Criminology Meetings, September 2023, Florence, Italy.
Piason, B. & Beichner-Thomas, D. (2023). “Mothers in Jail.” American Society of Criminology Meetings, November 2023, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Barberet, R., Ranjan, S. & Beichner, D. (2022). “The Researcher-Policymaker Dialogue: International Feminist Criminology and the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women.” American Society of Criminology Meetings, November 2022, Atlanta, Georgia.
Beichner, D. (2022). “Rural Women Returning Home From Prisons and Jails.” European Society of Criminology Meetings, September 2022, Málaga, Spain.
Beichner, D., Rabe-Hemp, C. & Kim, M. (2022). “U.S. Women in Justice Professions: A Half a Century After Title VII.” Parallel event presented in conjunction with the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women, March 2022. Virtual format.
Beichner, D., Zinsstag, E., Fonseca Rosenblatt, F., Wemmers, J., Manikis, M. & Van Camp, T. (2022). “Innovative Responses to Gendered Violence.” World Society of Victimology Symposium, June 2022, San Sebastian, Spain.