Dr. Drew Lugar

- About
- Education
- Research
Current Courses
400.014Independent Study
299.007Independent Honor Study
499.009Independent Research For The Masters Thesis
287.007Independent Study
400.014Independent Study
170.001Introduction To Animal Science
170.002Introduction To Animal Science
170.003Introduction To Animal Science
236.001Livestock Parturition and Breeding Management
236.002Livestock Parturition and Breeding Management
302.007Special Problems In Agriculture
308.001Swine Management
308.002Swine Management
408.001Swine Management
408.002Swine Management
291.004Undergraduate Teaching Experiences In Agriculture
Teaching Interests & Areas
My teaching interests lie in physiology of animals. I teach courses on livestock reproductive physiology, applied reproduction and breeding management, anatomy and physiology, parturition (birthing) management, and swine (pig) management.
Research Interests & Areas
My research focus is on animal reproduction and stress. I conduct research on a variety of livestock species including sheep, swine and cattle. These projects involve reproduction, innovative technologies, stress physiology and more. In addition to animal work, I conduct research on the scholarship of teaching, looking at innovative technologies in the classroom and student stress with livestock.