Dr. Elke Altenburger
- About
- Education
- Awards & Honors
- Research
Elke Altenburger is an Associate Professor for Interior Design. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Missouri and has a degree as a Graduate Engineer of Interior Architecture from the University of Applied Science in Düsseldorf, Germany. She practiced interior design in large design teams in Europe and the United States, developing a portfolio featuring cultural buildings and higher education projects. Elke has had an interest in physical environments for children since her time as an undergraduate. Her research revolves around student perspectives on informal learning environments and the spaces between classrooms in public secondary schools and on college campuses.
Current Courses
499.003Independent Research For The Master's Thesis
499.003Independent Research For The Master's Thesis
287.003Independent Study
400.003Independent Study
345.001Interior Design Business Practices
443.001Interior Design Business Practices
370.001Interior Design II: Studio
370.002Interior Design II: Studio
470.001Interior Design II: Studio
470.002Interior Design II: Studio
445.001Statistics in Applied Science and Technology
445.091Statistics in Applied Science and Technology
291.003Undergraduate Teaching Experiences In Family And Consumer Sciences
Teaching Interests & Areas
- Design Studios
- Children's Spaces
- Materials, Properties and Connotations
- Professional Drawings and 3 Dimensional Drawing Concepts
- Modern and Contemporary History of Interiors
- Qualitative Research Methods
Research Interests & Areas
- Socio physical school environments
- Design education
Ph D Environment and Behavior
Graduate Engineer of Interior Architecture
Connie J Ley Outstanding Researcher Award
Gamma Alpha Dissertation Year Fellowship
Outstanding Graduate Teaching Award
Dissertation Research Travel Award
Workshop for Course Design: Creating Significant Learning Experiences
Marcia W. Healy + Robert N. Healy Graduate Scholarship
Prize for Outstanding Students of Architecture
Book, Chapter
Conference Proceeding
Altenburger, E., & Wellenreiter, B. R. (2020). School Climates at Country and Prairie High: The Spaces-In-Between at Two Rural High. American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA.
Journal Article
Altenburger, E. (2023). Alarm Will Sound: Students' Perceptions of Safe Space at School. Children, Youth and Environments, 33(1), 25.
Altenburger, E., Falche, I., & Gwin, H. (2022). Relaxing Design Students Sketch Inhibition: Experiences with Theoretical Grounding and Impermanent Media. International Journal of Art & Design Education. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1111/jade.12446
Altenburger, E. (2021). Rural High School Libraries: Places Prone to Promote Positive School Climates. Journal of Learning Spaces, 10(1). http://libjournal.uncg.edu/jls/article/view/1980/1522