Fanson Kidwaro

- About
- Education
- Awards & Honors
- Research
Fanson Kidwaro moved to the USA from Kenya to pursue higher education in 1983. He has AA Degree from Southeastern Community College in Iowa, BS -Truman State in Missouri, MS from University of Central Missouri and a PhD - Agronomy from University of Missouri-Columbia. He started working as an Assistant professor at University of Central Missouri in 2001 where he rose to become a full professor of Agronomy. He served as Department Chair of Agriculture for two years and Department Chair of Biology and Agriculture for six years.
Current Courses
400.007Independent Study
305.001Crop Growth And Development
305.002Crop Growth And Development
305.003Crop Growth And Development
251.001Forage Management
251.002Forage Management
499.010Independent Research For The Masters Thesis
400.008Independent Study
201.001Resources, Food & Society: A Global Perspective
201.002Resources, Food & Society: A Global Perspective
302.014Special Problems In Agriculture
291.020Undergraduate Teaching Experiences In Agriculture
Teaching Interests & Areas
Taught diverse topics from Global Agriculture, Soil science, Soil Fertility, Weed Science, Agriculture Sprays and Chemicals, Plant Science, Agriculture Pest Management, Forage crops, Row Crops, Soil and Water Management, and Field Crop management.
Research Interests & Areas
His research is focused on cropping systems management to improve sustainability and productivity for farmers. He supports variety testing of field crops to educate farmers and students about the new bio-technology in the agriculture industry. He is also engaged in switch grass research (a nonfood crop) for production of carbonized biomass and cellulosic ethanol.
PhD Agronomy
MS Agronomy
BS Agronomy
AA Agronomy
Honorary State FFA Degree
Outstanding Agriculture Professor
Teaching Award of Merit
Journal Article
Catherine Gichunge, Gladys Jepkemoi & Fanson Kidwaro (2022) “Sitawahi Sahau Hasara Nilipata” (I Will Never Forget the Losses I Incurred): Impact of Covid-19 on Food System Actors at the Eldoret Food Market in Kenya, Journal of Hunger & Environmental Nutrition, DOI: 10.1080/19320248.2022.2119118