Dr. Joanne Savage
Criminal Justice Sciences
- About
- Education
- Awards & Honors
- Research
Current Courses
201.002Crime and Behavior
201.005Crime and Behavior
299.003Independent Honor Study
499.011Independent Research For The Master's Thesis
287.013Independent Study
400.011Independent Study
360.001Issues In Criminal Justice
291.010Undergraduate Teaching Experience In Criminal Justice Sciences
Teaching Interests & Areas
Juvenile Justice Introduction to Criminal Justice Violence in America Criminological Theory Research Methods Statistical Applications Crime Prevention
Research Interests & Areas
Violent Crime Violence Prevention Development of Aggressive and Violent Behavior Juvenile Delinquency and Recidivism
Ph D Social Ecology
University of California
MA Social Ecology
University of California
BA French
Southern Illinois University
BA Psychology
Southern Illinois University
Outstanding Researcher Award
Colege of Applied Aciences and Technology, ISU
Book, Authored
Savage, J., & Wozniak, K. Thugs and Thieves: The Differential Etiology of Violence. Oxford University Press (2016)
Savage, J. The development of persistent criminality. Joanne Savage (EDs). Oxford University Press (2009)
Book, Chapter
Vila, B., & Savage, J. Balancing counter-terrorism strategies: Lessons from evolutionary ecology. Criminologists on Terrorism and Homeland Security. Cambridge University Press (2011)
Ellis, S., & Savage, J. Strain, social support, and persistent criminality. The development of persistent criminality (2009)
Savage, J. Understanding persistent offending: Linking developmental psychology with research on the criminal career. The development of persistent criminality. Oxford University Press (2009)
Savage, J. What have we learned? Directions for future research and policy. Joanne Savage (EDs), The development of persistent criminality. Oxford University Press (2009)
Savage, J., & Vila, B. Human ecology, crime, and crime control: Linking individual behavior and aggregate crime. Social Biology. Sage (2003)
Savage, J., Ferguson, C., & Tilley, J. Media Violence. Levesque (EDs), Encyclopedia of Adolescence. Springer (2018)
Savage, J. Effects of the representation of crime in the media. Eastin (EDs), Encyclopedia of Media Violence. Sage Publications (2013)
Savage, J., & Ferguson, C. Media Violence. Encyclopedia of Adolescence. Springer (2011)
Journal Article
Savage, J., Ellis, S., & Wozniak, K. The role of income in the differential etiology of violence: An empirical test. Journal of Poverty 23.5 (2019): 384-403.
James, L., Todak, N., & Savage, J. Balancing aggression and restraint in police use of force: Evolutionary psychology insights. Policing (2018)
Savage, J., & Ellis, S. Academic achievement, school attachment, and school problems in the differential etiology of violence. Journal of Developmental and Life-course Criminology (2018)
Savage, J., & Windsor, C. Sex offender residence restrictions and sex crimes against children: A comprehensive review. Aggression and Violent Behavior 43 (2018): 13-25.
Savage, J., Ferguson, C., & Flores, L. The effect of academic achievement on aggression and violent behavior: A meta-analysis. Aggression and Violent Behavior 37 (2017): 91-101.
Technical Report
Savage, J. Understanding the dynamics of population demographics and violent crime in Washington D.C., 1960 - 1999. Submitted to the Mayor's office (2001)
McCleary, R., & Savage, J. Temporal distribution of rape events. Submitted the the Federal Bureau of Investigation (1994)
Prosecution in Japan: One Bridge Between Formal and Informal Social Control. Annual Conference of the American Society of Criminology. American Society of Criminology. (2021)
Teaching Civic Engagement to Criminal Justice Students. Annual Conference of the American Society of Criminology. American Society of Criminology. (2021)
Lessons from Research on Violence in America. Ministry of Justice, Tokyo Japan. Ministry of Justice. (2018)
The general evolutionary ecological paradigm and the practice of criminal justice. Bryan Vila Honorary Symposium. Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine. (2017)
Physical abuse victimization and violence in the transition to adulthood: The mediating role of alcohol and drug use. Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences. (2016)