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Dr. Keri Edwards

Instructional Assistant Professor of Human Development and Family Science/Child Life Graduate Program Coordinator
Family and Consumer Sciences
TUR Turner Hall 203B
  • About
  • Education
  • Research


As the Director of the Child Life Graduate Program, I now share my knowledge and experiences with the next generation of child development professionals preparing to work with children and families in health care settings. I have my doctorate in Special Education. My dissertation was entitled “Communication Between Home And School For Parents Of Children With Chronic Illness”. I have continued to stay current with educational requirements and research in Child Life. I recently completed Emotional Safety training and am recognized as an Emotional Safety leader within the field of children's healthcare.
Previously, I worked clinically for 10 years as certified child life specialist at a children’s hospital. Within the multidisciplinary focus of the hospital, I had the opportunity to help start the pediatric pain management work group and to work on the end of life committee, the family centered care work group, and the teen advisory council. My work at the hospital allowed me to work with child life students at both the practicum and intern level.

Current Courses

112.001American Family: Change & Diversity

112.003American Family: Change & Diversity

499.012Independent Research For The Master's Thesis

287.012Independent Study


498.003Professional Practice: Family And Consumer Sciences

404.001Seminar In Child Life Studies

291.012Undergraduate Teaching Experiences In Family And Consumer Sciences

112.006American Family: Change & Diversity

112.008American Family: Change & Diversity

409.001Child Life Clinical Practicum Experience

403.001Children In Health Care Settings

287.012Independent Study

400.012Independent Study


498.012Professional Practice: Family And Consumer Sciences

291.012Undergraduate Teaching Experiences In Family And Consumer Sciences

336.001Value of Play in Human Development

436.001Value of Play in Human Development

Research Interests & Areas

Parent-Professional communication, working with CSHCN, multi-disciplinary teams, Children and healthcare: pain management, end of life, grief and bereavement, family centered care, impact of long term and chronic illness on development

EDD Special Education

Illinois State University
Normal, IL


Child Life Council

MS Human Development & Family Studies

Universty of Illinois @ Urbana-Champaign
Urbana, IL

Journal Article

Whelan, E., Dyar, C., Edwards, K., Altenburger, E., Fonseca Pereira, G., & Johnson, B. Anticipated satisfaction of technologies in the homes & lives of older adults to prolong independence. Online Journal of Complementary & Alternative Medicine (2023)


Anticipated Satisfaction of Technologies in the Homes & Lives of Older Adults to Prolong Independence. IDEC National Fall Symposium. Interior Design Educators Council. (2021)

Grants & Contracts

Development of undergraduate research projects and symposium in Family & Consumer Sciences. CTLT Teaching Innovation Grant. Illinois State University. (2018)
Development of undergraduate research projects and symposium in Family & Consumer Sciences. CTLTTeaching Innovation Grant. Illinois State University. (2018)