Dr. Mary Henninger
Sch Kinesiology & Recreation

SFCM Student Fitness Center & McCormick
Office Phone
- About
- Education
- Awards & Honors
- Research
Current Courses
383.001Adapted Physical Education
383.002Adapted Physical Education
383.003Adapted Physical Education
383.004Adapted Physical Education
383.005Adapted Physical Education
383.006Adapted Physical Education
383.007Adapted Physical Education
383.008Adapted Physical Education
499.232Independent Research For The Master's Thesis
400.006Independent Study In Kinesiology & Recreation
400.032Independent Study In Kinesiology & Recreation
242.002Secondary Methods & Practices In Physical Education
EDD Pedagogy/PETE
University of Massachusetts-Amherst
Amherst, MA
MA Physical Education Studies
The Ohio State University
Colmumbus, OH
BS Physical Education Teacher Education
The Ohio State University
Colmumbus, OH
Above and Beyond "Autism Champion"
Autism McLean
H.E.A.L Foundation Hero Award- Founder's Award
H.E.A.L. Foundation
HERO Award: Humanitarian of the Year
H.E.A.L. Foundation
Leinweber, S., Williams, S., Jones, E., & Henninger, M. PA and Skill Levels in Coed and Same-Sex PE during Invasion Games. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport 91.Supplement 1 (2020): A-75.
Vargos, C., Williams, S., Henninger, M., & Coleman, M. Single-Sex Versus Coeducational PE on Student PA Levels and Self-Competence. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport 89.Supp. 1 (2018): A190.
Grimwood, J., Brown, D., Laurson, K., Williams, S., Henninger, M., Barnes, J., & Phelps, D. Association of Fruit and Vegetable Intake with Cardiorespiratory Fitness in Adolescents. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 49.S5 (2017): 324.
Jennings, M., Brown, D., Laurson, K., Williams, S., Henninger, M., & Phelps, D. The Impact of Grant Funding on Physical Fitness Levels of School Children. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 49.S5 (2017): 708.
Henninger, M., Coleman, M., & Williams, S. Physical Education Cooperating Teachers' Perceptions of Student Teachers' Skills. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport 86.Suppl. 2 ed. (2015): A53-A54.
Book, Chapter
Henninger, M. The Development of Tactical The Development of Tactical Decision-Making Competence: The Role of Game Shaping. Naoki Suzuki (EDs) (2013)
Journal Article
Henninger, M., Steinbach, H., LeFevre, B., Miskulin, G., & Miskulin, J. Jon's Heroes in Training: A cross-sector collaboration serving university and community stakeholders. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance 95.5 (2024): 6-11.
Jones, E., Henninger, M., & Williams, S. Using Journey Mapping and Personas for Targeted Student Recruitment in PETE. Journal of Physical Education Recreation and Dance 93.7 (2022): 17-25.
Vargos, C., Williams, S., Henninger, M., Coleman, M., & Burns, R. The Effects of Single-Sex Versus Coeducational Physical Education on Junior High Physical Activity Levels and Self-Competence. Biomedical Human Kinetics 13.1 (2021): 170-176.
Henninger, M., & Ensign, J. Transitioning from Students of Teaching to Teachers of Students: Developing Professional Dispostions (Part 1). Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance 91.1 (2020): 33-37.
Jones, E., Gaudreault, K., Henninger, M., & Williams, S. Think Tank Sessions: Using Structured Decision-Making to Inform PETE Program Revisions. Journal of Physical Education Recreation and Dance 90.2 (2019): 17-23.
Henninger, M., & Richardson, K. Engaging students in quality games. Thomas F. Lawson (EDs). Strategies 29.3 (2016): 3-9.
Let's Talk EDI. Illinois Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance 2024 Annual Convention. (2024)
Navigating Change: Implementation of Teaching Personal and Social in Physical Education. AIESEP International Conferece. (2024)
Shared Voices from a University and High School Partnership Developed to Co-Create a Pre-Student Teaching Clinical Experience. 2023 ESC Annual Conference. Engagement Scholarship Consortium. (2023)
Jon's Heroes in Training: Developing a Collaborative Community/University Service- Learning Program. 2022 ESC Annual Conference. Engagement Scholarship Consortium. (2022)
General physical education pre-service teachers' self-efficacy of teaching children with autism: Before and after a semester-long practicum. National Assoication for Kinesiology in Higher Education. (2020)
PA and Skill Levels in Coed and Same-Sex PE during Invasion Games. SHAPE America. (2020)
Comparison of Number of Steps Taken on Physical Education Versus Non-Physical Education Days for Middle School Students. IAHPERD Annual Convention, 2019. IAHPERD. (2019)
Developing Global Lessson Study for Physical Education. 2019 WERA Focal Meeting. World Educational Research Association. (2019)
Students’ Perception of the Self-Assessment Process in High School PE. SHAPE America Convention. (2019)
The Importance of Professional Dispositions for Physical Education and Health Education Teacher Candidates. IAHPERD. (2019)
Grants & Contracts
Hononegah 2013 PEP Grant. Carol M. White PEP Grant from federal government. Federal. (2013)