Dr. Michelle Kibler
Associate Professor of Agribusiness

RAB Ropp Agriculture Building 133
Office Phone
- About
- Education
- Research
Current Courses
287.006Independent Study
287.011Independent Study
400.008Independent Study
214.001Agriculture Marketing
327.001Equine Industry and Marketing
299.004Independent Honor Study
499.005Independent Research For The Masters Thesis
287.011Independent Study
110.001Introductory Agricultural Economics
420.001Management Of Market Risk In Agribusiness
302.008Special Problems In Agriculture
291.003Undergraduate Teaching Experiences In Agriculture
Ph D Agricultural Economics
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO
MS Agricultural Economics
University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY
BS Agricultural Economics
University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY
Camp, M., Prigge, J., Kibler, M., Thompson, J., & Ivey, J. Thoroughbred and auction characteristics that impact bid price when sold at online auctions. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 124 (2023)
Ivey, J., Kibler, M., Neuleib, L., & Johnston , L. Experiential learning influences student perspectives on career aspirations, industry networking, and soft skill development. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 124 (2023)
Main, S., Kibler, M., Thompson, J., Schneider, L., & Ivey, J. COVID-19 pandemic affects care access and financial stability for equine owners/leasers and facility operators. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 100 (2021)
Rostad, D., Ashburn, M., Main, S., Thompson, J., Kibler, M., & Ivey, J. Physical, discipline, and breed factors influence sale price between stock-type and sport-type horses sold in online auctions. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 100 (2021)
Barrowclough, M., Kibler, M., & McWilliams, J. Skill and Attribute Demands of Agricultural Employers: A Best-Worst Scaling Approach. North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture 62.1 (2018): 5-6.
Journal Article
Barrowclough, M., Messman, B., Lannin, D. G., Boerngen, M., & Kibler, M. (2023). Measuring mental health service preferences amongst Illinois dairy producers. Journal of Agromedicine. Advance online publication.
Camp, M., Kibler, M., Ivey, J., & Thompson , J. Factors affecting Thoroughbred online auction prices in non/post-racing careers. Animals 13.8 (2023)
Thompson, J., Kibler, M., & Ivey, J. Financial Strain of COVID-19 and Its Impact on Willingness-to-Pay for Equine Care. Journal of Animal Science 101 (2023)
Stowe, J., Kibler, M., & Barrowclough, M. Horse Owner Preferences for Equine Insurance Policies. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 113 (2022)
Brown, R., Buck, S., Kibler, M., Penn, J., & Zuo, N. Student Anxiety During COVID-19: Prevalence, Sources, and How Instructors Can Help. Applied Economics Teaching Resources 3.1 (2021)
Risks and Uncertainty Associated with Prices Set by Boarding Facility Owners. Western Agricultural Economics Association Meeting. (2023)
Pricing the Competition: A Hedonic Analysis of Sport Horses Sold at Online Auctions. Southern Agricultural Economics Association Meeting. (2022)
Estimating fetal age using transabdominal ultrasonography in sheep early in gestation.. ASAS Midwest Section Meeting. (2021)
Online Teaching: Are You Closer Than You Think?. Southern Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting. (2020)
Economic Factors Associated with Wind Energy Leases on Agricultural Lands: A Decision Aid Tool for Illinois Agricultural Producers. Western Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting. Western Agricultural Economics Association. (2018)
Skill and Attribute Demands of Agricultural Employers: A Best-Worst Scaling Approach. North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture Annual Conference. North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture. (2018)
Linking Acquired Skills of College Graduates with Employer Demands. North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture Annual Conference. North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture. (2017)
Equine Daily Use Values and Owner Willingness-To-Pay for Infectious Disease Treatment Options. Western Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting. Western Agricultural Economics Association. (2016)