Dr. Rob Rhykerd
Professor of Soil Science

RAB Clarence R Ropp Agriculture Bldng 125F
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- About
- Education
- Awards & Honors
- Research
Current Courses
499.005Independent Research For The Masters Thesis
499.101Independent Research For The Masters Thesis - Last Term
400.013Independent Study
201.001Resources, Food & Society: A Global Perspective
302.002Special Problems In Agriculture
499.003Independent Research For The Masters Thesis
499.101Independent Research For The Masters Thesis - Last Term
287.003Independent Study
400.013Independent Study
109.001Introduction To The Agricultural Industry
201.003Resources, Food & Society: A Global Perspective
357.001Soil Fertility And Fertilizers
357.002Soil Fertility And Fertilizers
302.005Special Problems In Agriculture
291.001Undergraduate Teaching Experiences In Agriculture
Ph D Soil Science
Texas A&M University
College Station, Texas
MS Soil Science
Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN
BS Agronomy
Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN
Other Agriculture
Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN
Honorary State FFA Degree
Impact Award
Illinois State University
Excellence Award
Illinois Leadership Council for Agricultural Education
Soil Science Education Award
Soil Science Society of America
American Society of Agronomy
Agronomic Resident Education Award
American Society of Agronomy
Manion, L., Kopsell, D., Rhykerd, R., Kopsell, D., & Sams, C. Glucosinolates and carotenoids in watercress are influenced by selenium fertilization. HortScience 46.9 (2011): S305.
Whitted, B., Kopsell, D., Kopsell, D., & Rhykerd, R. Silicon (Si) and titanium (Ti) influence growth of selected annual bedding plants. HortScience 46.9 (2011): S304.
Journal Article
Meyer, R.T., N.J. Heller, R.L. Rhykerd, A.W. Hafner, W.L. Perry. 2023. Biomass, nitrogen, and carbon loss from the novel oilseed pennycress relative to annual ryegrass and cereal rye. Cogent Food and Agriculture, 9, 1. https://doi.org/10.1080/23311932.2023.2215598
Mujeye, S., Qaddour, J., Ullah, S., Calderon, S., Rhykerd, R., Edamala, C., & Kidwaro, F. (2023) A Proposal on How to Use Blockchain to Secure Communications in 5G Ecosystem. International Journal of Future Computer and Communication.
Manion, L., Kopsell, D., Kopsell, D., Sams, C., & Rhykerd, R. Selenium fertilization influences biomass, elemental accumulations, and phytochemical concentrations in watercress. No. Journal of Plant Nutrition/Taylor & Francis, Inc. (2013): DOI:10.1080/01904167.2013.789110.
Whitted, B., Kopsell, D., Kopsell, D., & Rhykerd, R. Silicon (Si) and titanium (Ti) influence growth of selected annual bedding plants. HortScience 46.9 (2011): S304.
Yang, L., Lubna, T., Moklak, M., Heller, N., Rhykerd, R., & Kopsell, D. Impacts of Harvest Date and Concurrent Alkali Pretreatment and Ensiling on Anaerobic Digestion of Pennycress Biomass. Fermentation
Mondyagu, S., Kopsell, D., Steffen, R., Kopsell, D., & Rhykerd, R. The Effect of Nitrogen Level and Form on the Growth and Development of Vetiver grass (Chrysopogon zizanioides). Illinois State Academy of Science
Ossom, E., Mavuso, N., & Rhykerd, R. Maize-sweet potato intercropping influences on agronomic characteristics and soil chemical properties in Swaziland. Botswana Journal of Agriculture and Applied Sciences
Converting Cover Crop Biomass to Biogas and Volatile Fatty Acids. ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting. (2024)
Nutrients transport and cycling in anerobic co-digestion of soybean residue, cover crops, and swine manure. 2024 ASABE Annual International Meeting. (2024)
Mujeye, S., Qaddour, J., Ullah, S., Calderon, S., Rhykerd, R., Edamala, C., & Kidwaro, F. (2023) A Proposal on How to Use Blockchain to Secure Communications in 5G Ecosystem. International Journal of Future Computer and Communication.
Perry, W., Seyoum, W.M., et al., 2020 Pennycress: a new cash crop that may also functions as a cover crop. Integrated Plant Biology and Bioenergy Symposium.
Morning with a Professor. ISU Agriculture: 100 Years of Excellence - Academy of Seniors. Illinois State University. (2012)
Overview of the ISU Department of Agriculture. Young Men’s Club. (2012)
Grants & Contracts
Cover Crop Nutrients Transport in Anaerobic Digestion. Iowa Soybean Association. State. (2023)