Blanton, J., Williams, R., Graham, J., & Pierce, S. Content Analysis of State High School Association Mission Statements. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology 43 (2021): S56.
Hevel, D., Amorose, A., Lagally, K., Miles, A., & Pierce, S. Testing the Effects of Message Framing on PA Motivation: Does Stage of Change Matter?. Medicine and Science in Sport and Exercise 50.5S (2018): 315.
Book, Chapter
Erickson, K., Vierimaa, M., & Pierce, S. The Quantitative Assessment of Positive Youth Development Through Sport. Positive Youth Development Through Sport (3rd Ed.). Routledge (2024): 73-85.
Pierce, S., Jones, E., & Eberline, A. Chapter 4: Physical Education and Sport, the natural setting for values and life skills.. K. T Koh, T.J. Newman, M.S. Bin Salleh (EDs), Coaching Values and Life Skills through Physical Education and Sports: A Practical Toolkit. Routledge (2024)
Pierce, S., & Kisvari, L. Resilience as a Life Skill: Supporting Resilience Application Across Contexts. The Journey into College and Career: Cultivating Resilience Among Challenges. Kendall Hunt Publishing (2024)
Pierce, S., Sangalang, M., & Jacobs, J. The Challenges, Advances, and Opportunities with the Study and Promotion of Life Skills Transfer. Positive Youth Development Through Sport (3rd Ed.). Routledge (2024): 47-58.
Pierce, S., & Scott, C. Conceptualizing Life Skills Transfer within the Positive Youth Development Paradigm. Coach Education for the Next Decade: The Need for a Positive Youth Development Paradigm. Escola Superior De Educacao (2019)
Journal Article
Newman, T., Santos, F., Collins, K., Pierce, S., Kochanek, J., Lee, V., Lee, L., & . Social Justice Promotion in Youth Sport: Insights from Current High School Coaches.. Sports Coaching Review 1.(aop) (2024): 1-28.
Pierce, S., O'Neil, L., Camiré, M., Bean, C., & Rathwell, S. Examining the Relationship Between Perceived Coaching Approaches for Life Skills Development and Life Skills Outcomes for High School Athletes. International Sport Coaching Journal AOP (2024): 1-12.
Ault, K., Blanton, J., & Pierce, S. Student-Athletes’ Perceptions of Relationship Quality and Life Skills Development. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology (2023): 1-22.
Camiré, M., Santos, F., Newman, T., Vella, S., MacDonald, D., Milistetd, M., Pierce, S., & Strachan, L. Positive Youth Development as a Guiding Framework in Sport Research: Is it Time to Plan for a Transition?. Psychology of Sport & Exercise (2023): 102505.
Gould, D., Pierce, S., & Wright, E. An Autoethnographic Account and Interpretation of Sport Related Life Skills and Personal Development. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology (2023)
Life After Sports: A Career Transition Program for Graduating Collegiate Student-Athletes. Midwest Sport and Exercise Psychology Symposium. Hope College. (2024)
Collegiate Student-Athletes’ Commitment to School and Sport: The Role of Academic and Athletic Identification. North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity. (2023)
Creating an athlete questionnaire to assess coaching life skills. North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity. (2023)
(Re)imagining youth sport: Stakeholders views of the impact of COVID-19 on the future of youth sport. North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity Annual Conference. (2022)
A Resilience Program for First Year Collegiate Athletes: Program Design, Implementation, Evaluation, and Implications. Association for Applied Sport Psychology Annual Meeting. Association for Applied Sport Psychology. (2022)
Developing Student-Athlete Leadership. Illinois High School Association Student Advisory Council Retreat. Illinois High School Association. (2022)
Examining Relative Age Effect in Collegiate Volleyball. ISU University Research Symposium. Illinois State University. (2022)
Examining the impact of resilience-based programming for first-year collegiate student-athletes. North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity Annual Conference. (2022)
Intervention Initiatives and Strategies for Positive Youth Development. International Seminar in Positive Youth Development Through Sport. (2022)
Life Skills Transfer: Coaching for Long-Term Impact. International Seminar in Positive Youth Development Through Sport. (2022)