Tyler Kybartas
Assistant Professor
Sch Kinesiology & Recreation

SFCM Student Fitness Center & Mccormick Hall 250
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- About
- Education
- Awards & Honors
- Research
Current Courses
313.002Exercise Programming For Neuromuscular Fitness
313.003Exercise Programming For Neuromuscular Fitness
299.024Independent Honor Study
499.024Independent Research For The Master's Thesis
400.005Independent Study In Kinesiology & Recreation
400.024Independent Study In Kinesiology & Recreation
445.001Statistics in Applied Science and Technology
Research Interests & Areas
Children's motivation for physical activity and how it is related to play behaviors and obesity.
Ph D Kinesiology and Sports Studies
University of Tennessee
Knoxville, TN
MS Kinesiology and Health Promotion
University of Wyoming
Laramie, WY
BS Kinesiology and Health Promotion
University of Wyoming
Laramie, WY
Interdisciplinary Team Award
ISU Civic Engagement
Edward Capen Award
University of Tennessee
Tennessee Fellowship for Graduate Excellence
University of Tennessee
Chancellor's Graduate Fellowship
University of Tennessee
John E. and Neda Memorial Athletic Scholarship
University of Wyoming
Mountain West Conference Academic All-Conference
University of Wyoming
Mountain West Conference Academic All-Conference
University of Wyoming
Mountain West Conference Academic All-Conference
University of Wyoming
Faamoe, Isaac T.; Laurson, Kelly R.; Kybartas, Tyler J.; McDonald, Samantha M.. Concurrent Validity And Reliability Of The Vertical Jump And Standing Broad Jump Tests In Youth: 2675. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 56(10S):p 972-973, October 2024. | DOI: 10.1249/01.mss.0001061116.68964.68
Wolfe, A., & Kybartas , T. Comparison between hip- and wrist-worn accelerometer data in pre-kindergarten children during indoor free-play. Medicine and Science in Sport and Exercise 55.9S (2023): 850-850.
Hobson, B., Lagally, K., Reynoso-Romero, E., Thomas, D., & Kybartas , T. The Relationship among Resting Metabolic Rate, RER, Substrate Utilization, and Step Counts in College Students. Medicine and Science in Sport and Exercise 54.9S (2022): 583.
Reynoso-Romero, E., Thomas, D., Hobson, B., Lagally, K., & Kybartas , T. The Relationship Between BMI, Waist Circumference, Waist to Height Ratio and Resting Metabolic Rate. Medicine and Science in Sport and Exercise 54.9S (2022): 586.
Kybartas , T., Wood, A., Strohacker, K., Zakrajsek, R., Blanton, J., Ehrlich, S., & Coe, D. Children's Motivation for Physical Activity. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 52.7S (2020)
Journal Article
Kybartas, M., Moran, M. J., & Kybartas, T. J. (2024). An investigation of toddler risky play informed by the voices of parents and teachers of toddlers in one school setting. Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning, 1–18. https://doi.org/10.1080/14729679.2024.2409859
Kybartas, T. J., Ferrara, P. M., & Coe, D. P. (2023). Exploration of parental rewards in incentivizing children's physical activity. Applied physiology, nutrition, and metabolism, 48(5), 350–360. https://doi.org/10.1139/apnm-2022-0330
Jones, E., Weemer, M., Lee, J., Eberline, A., & Kybartas , T. Environmental constructs associated with school readiness to implement wellness initiatives. Health Behavior and Policy Review 9.4 (2022): 949-960.
Nocera, V. G., Kybartas, T. J., Wozencroft, A. J., & Coe, D. P. (2022). Physical Activity Levels during Therapeutic Camp Activities in Youth with Disabilities in the United States. Disabilities, 2(4), 764-777.
Kybartas, T. J., Oody, J. F., Fairbrother, J. T., Durham, R. S., & Coe, D. P. (2021). Physical Activity Intensity, Self-Regulation, and School Readiness Indicators in Young Children. Early Child Development and Care, 191(4), 501-510.
Faamoe, I. T., Laurson, K. R., Kybartas, T.J., McDonald, S. M. Concurrent Validity and Reliability of the Vertical Jump and Standing Broad Jump Tests in Youth. ISU Research Symposium ISU, Normal, IL. April 2024.
Faamoe, I. T., Laurson, K. R., Kybartas, T.J., McDonald, S. M. Concurrent Validity and Reliability of the Vertical Jump and Standing Broad Jump Tests in Youth. Medicine and Science in Sport and Exercise. Poster presentation: American College of Sports Medicine, National Meeting, Boston, MA, May 2024.
Comparison Between Hip And Wrist Worn Accelerometer Data In Pre-kindergarten Children During Indoor Free-play. American College of Sports Medicine Annual Conference. American College of Sports Medicine. (2023)
Collective action for school-wellness: An ecological example. AIESEP World Congress. (2022)
Inter-Method Agreement Between Body Composition Techniques Within Athletic Populations. American College of Sports Medicine Annual Conference. (2022)
Metabolic Responses and Perceptions of Enjoyment, Competence and Exertion during the GoNoodle Physical Activity Program. American College of Sports Medicine Annual Conference. ACSM. (2022)
Metabolic Responses and Perceptions of Enjoyment, Competence, and Exertion during the GONOODLE Physical Activity Program. South Eastern American College of Sports Medicine. ACSM. (2022)
Resting Metabolic Rate, Step Count, Resting RQ, and Substrate Utilization in College Students. American College of Sports Medicine Annual Conference. (2022)
The Relationship Between BMI, Waist Circumference, Waist to Height Ratio and Resting Metabolic Rate. American College of Sports Medicine Annual Conference. (2022)
The Relationships Among Resting Metabolic Rate, RER, Substrate Utilization, and Step Counts in College Students. ISU Research Symposium. ISU. (2022)