Dr. Bill Perry

- About
- Education
- Awards & Honors
- Research
Current Courses
499.025Independent Research For The Master's Thesis
499.025Independent Research For The Master's Thesis
287.003Independent Study
292.001Invertebrate Zoology
290.022Research In Biological Sciences
Teaching Interests & Areas
Ecology Aquatic Ecology Stream Ecology Limnology Rainforest Ecology Invertebrate Zoology
Research Interests & Areas
My laboratory works on two major projects at this time. The first project deals with the ecology and biogeochemistry of agricultural streams. We are currently working with The Nature Conservancy to examine the effects of watershed management practices and wetlands on downstream water quality. This work is being conducted in headwater streams of the Mackinaw River east of Illinois State University. The second project in the laboratory deals with invasive species ecology. We are currently focusing on the invasions dynamics of the rusty crayfish, Orconectes rusticus, in streams. We are assessing the role of flow in mediating invasion dynamics. Another aspect of this research is examining the role of hybridization in streams using microsatellite markers developed in collaboration with David Lodge and Jeff Feder at the University of Notre Dame.