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Dr. Yongning Tang

Professor of Computer Networking
School Information Technology
  • About
  • Education
  • Awards & Honors
  • Research

Current Courses

499.002Independent Research For The Master's Thesis

400.006Independent Study

498.001Professional Practice: Information Technology

Teaching Interests & Areas

Computer Networking; Cybersecurity; Machine Learning; Programming

Research Interests & Areas

Network Security; Data Privacy; IoT; Blockchain; Artificial Intelligence; Adaptive Learning

Ph D Computer Science

DePaul University
Chicago, IL

Runners Up: International Intelligent Water Systems Challenge Award

"Develop Advanced Models to Predict and Optimize Chemical Dosage for Odor and Corrosion Control." Water Environment Federation (WEF) & Water Research Foundation (WRF)

Best Paper Award: the 13th International Conference on Networks (ICN2014)

"Prioritized Adaptive Max-Min Fair Residual Bandwidth Allocation for Software-Defined Data Center Networks" IARIA: International Academy, Research, and Industry Association

Best Paper Award: the 12th International Conference on Networks (ICN2013)

"Yet Another Bounded Broadcasting for Random Key Predistribution Schemes in Wireless Sensor Networks" IARIA: International Academy, Research, and Industry Association

Book, Authored

Tang, Y. Uncertainty Reasoning in Network Fault Diagnosis. VDM-Verlag (2009)

Conference Proceeding

Adhikari, M., Wang, F., Li, C., Cheng, G., & Tang, Y. SDT: Towards a Blockchain-Based Secure Data Trading Application. 2024 IEEE International Conference on Decentralized Applications and Infrastructures. (2024)
Fuhr, ., Hanna, I., Wang, F., & Tang, Y. The Diminished Importance of Connection-based Features in Intrusion Detection. IEEE International Performance, Computing, and Communications Conference (2021)
Wang, F., Tang, Y., Gao, L., & Cheng, G. BC-Sketch: A Simple Reversible Sketch for Detecting Network Anomalies. IEEE International Conference on Smart Data Services (SMDS 2020) (2020)
Tang, Y., Wu, Y., Cheng, G., & Xu, Z. Intelligence Enabled SDN Fault Localization via Programmable In-band Network Telemetry. IEEE International Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing (2019)
Pan, W., Cheng, G., & Tang, Y. WENC: HTTPS Encrypted Traffic Classification Using Weighted Ensemble Learning and Markov Chain. 16th IEEE International Conference On Trust, Security And Privacy In Computing And Communications (2017)

Journal Article

Wang, F., & Tang, Y. Diverse Intrusion and Malware Detection: AI-Based and Non-AI-Based Solutions. Journal of Cybersecurity and Privacy 4.2 (2024)
Wang, F., Tang, Y., & Fang, H. Mitigating IoT Privacy-Revealing Features by Time Series Data Transformation. Journal of Cybersecurity and Privacy 3.2 (2023): 209-226.
Zhao, Y., Cheng, G., & Tang, Y. SINT: Towards a Blockchain-based Secure In-band Network Telemetry Architecture. IEEE Transaction on Information Forensics and Security (2023)
Fuhr , J., Wang, F., & Tang, Y. MoCA: A Network Intrusion Monitoring and Classification System. Journal of Cybersecurity and Privacy (2022)
Wang, F., Babulak, E., & Tang, Y. On Detecting and Identifying Faulty IoT Devices and Outages. Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics 9 (2021)


Deep Learning Based Malware Detection - Gaps, Challenges, and Future Research Directions. Research seminar of Southeast University. Southeast University. (2024)
SDT: Towards a Blockchain-Based Secure Data Trading Application. 2024 IEEE International Conference on Decentralized Applications and Infrastructures. IEEE. (2024)
BC-Sketch: A Sketch for Detecting Network Flow Anomalies. IEEE International Conference on Smart Data Services (SMDS 2020).. IEEE. (2020)
IWS and Machine Learning. IWEA LIFT Virtual Innovative Technologies Webinar. Illinois Water Environment Association. (2020)
IWS and Machine Learning. WEF LIFT IWS Challenge Webinar. Water Environment Foundation. (2020)
Develop Advanced Models to Predict and Optimize Chemical Dosage for Odor and Corrosion Control. the WEFTEC 2019 Intelligent Water Systems Challenge. (2019)
Identifying Symptom-Fault Causality in SDN. College of Computer Engineering, Southeast University. (2015)
Network Verification & Fault Diagnosis in SDN. University of Science and Technology of China. (2015)
Tackling Network Resource Management in SDN (2013)
Towards A Theoretically Bounded Path Key Establishment Mechanism in Wireless Sensor Networks. Proceeding of the Eleventh International Conference on Networks. IARIA.

Grants & Contracts

NSF CC* Networking Infrastructure: “Building a Scalable and Polymorphic Cyberinfrastructure for Diverse Research and Education Needs at Illinois State University”. National Science Foundation (NSF). Federal. (2024)
NSF CC*: Fostering Data Driven STEM Research and Education Through Cyberinfrastructure at Illinois State University. National Science Foundation (NSF). Federal. (2022)
OSF Healthcare System IIN Grant: “The Design, Development, and Deployment of a Mobile-based Child Vaccination Program for Underserved Communities in Illinois Using Novel Digital Analytics and AI Tools.”. Illinois Innovation Network. State. (2022)
ISU University Cross-Disciplinary Research Grant: "Curriculum-aware Learning Recommender System for Higher Education.". Multidisciplinary Research Grant. Illinois State University. (2016)
ISU University Research Grant: "Reasoning under Uncertainty for Internet Fault Diagnosis". University Research Grant. Illinois State University. (2008)