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Staff posing in a corn field.


Big things happen in CAST

Our research makes an impact on everyday lives. It’s practical. It’s meaningful. It’s making the world a better place.

What We're Working On

A chef chopping onions.

Is a low carb diet the best route for weight loss?

Erol Sozen

The safety of a low carb diet is heavily debated, and some theories state you might be more susceptible to over eating when you reduce carbs.

We're currently investigating how a low carb diet affects weight gain, stress, body dissatisfaction, and binge eating. Read Dr. Sozen's study abstract

What We’ve Done

Recognize. Normalize. Embrace. Neurodiversity.

Neurodiversity is the superpower of the IT workforce.

Ronnie Jia

This study explains the concept of neurodiversity and discusses how it may contribute to an innate interest in technology, leading to a career in IT. Read more about Dr. Jia's research

Dr. Sattler posing with coworkers from her time working in St. Louis Blues ticket sales

Sports ticket salespeople don't stick around the job long. It doesn't have to be that way.

Liz Sattler

Ticket sales are a critical revenue stream for sports organizations. However, the people who sell those tickets often leave their employer. Dr. Liz Sattler knows this firsthand after her time with the St. Louis Blues. Studying the specific causes why people leave the profession might help managers develop better retention tools and reduce employee replacement costs. Read more about Dr. Sattler's research

Points of Pride

  • Four Scholarly Outcomes Per Year

    Our faculty make major contributions to their fields of expertise through publications, presentations, and proceedings.

  • Strong Financial Support

    In 2021, CAST faculty and staff secured nearly $1.5 million in external funding for research projects.

  • Spark Curiosity

    Our research makes us better teachers and mentors. We nurture our students’ passions and actively involve them in projects.

Professional Development

Advance your knowledge and skills with support from CAST and Illinois State.

Building an equitable and inclusive community in CAST

Our faculty, staff, and students bring diverse perspectives and experiences to CAST. This helps us all learn and grow as people.

We’re committed to nurturing and growing our inclusive environment. Learn how we can support your efforts to help us thrive.

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CAST Fellows


Highlighting Excellence

Our awards recognize research that makes a significant impact.

Three Minute Thesis Competition

Also known as 3MT, this international competition tests your ability to explain your graduate research to a general audience in three minutes or less.

CAST 3MT Winners

Kathleen Tierney
Department of Agriculture
Exploring the Effects of Weaning on Beef Calves
Chairperson: Dr. Drew Lugar

Tuba Yasmin Lubna
Department of Agriculture
Converting Cover Crop Biomass to Biogas and Volatile Fatty Acids
Chairperson: Dr. LC Yang

Participate in 3MT